Acupuncture & Pain Relief

We use acupuncture to help treat a variety of issues in our clinic, but the one most often cited by our patients remains pain relief. Not coincidentally, most good research supports the use of acupuncture in the treatment of both acute and chronic pain conditions. One meta-analysis, which included 39 studies and 20,827 patients, had… Continue reading Acupuncture & Pain Relief

My decision to specialize

While I have written elsewhere about physical activity and the important role it plays in my life, I want to return to it now, if only to explain my decision to specialize in a particular field of acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment. As I age, and my body inevitably starts to break down—like they all… Continue reading My decision to specialize

IBS Part 3: Pain

Another key aspect of IBS that was mentioned earlier is the fact that its principle distinguishing feature is pain. As such, it only seems appropriate to take a closer look at the nature of this sensation—particularly because it differs from all other sensations that we experience as a species. Normally, when we experience a sensation,… Continue reading IBS Part 3: Pain

IBS Part 2: Neurogastroenterology

While IBS is not considered to be as severe a condition as inflammatory bowel disease, it certainly remains a complex one. If we dive into the medical history books from the 20th Century alone, we find that the thinking of gastrointestinal doctors and scientists went through quite an evolution. Their observations of digestive function started… Continue reading IBS Part 2: Neurogastroenterology

Unfinished Book on IBS & IBD

In the final months of working with Tao of Wellness, I was working on a book that was eventually going to be something of a collaboration with Dr. Dao about both Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I did a whole lot of research, which was synthesized and processed in the computer upstairs to… Continue reading Unfinished Book on IBS & IBD


These are the hypothetical questions that are posed for myself during and because of meditation: Can you stand to be alone? Not just physically by yourself, but away from the noisy voices in your phone, on social media or on the web?
 Can your stand to be alone with your thoughts?
 Can you stand to… Continue reading Meditation

Shen Ming

For about 20 years, I have been a student of martial arts. As of 2014, I am an 8th generation Hebei style Xingyiquan practitioner, student of Jackie Yao Wu Hu. Xingyiquan, loosely translated as “form-intension fist,” is one of the three Taoist soft-style (what does this mean?—define), internal martial arts—the other two being Baguazhang and… Continue reading Shen Ming

A Daily Workout Is A Daily Reward

Throughout my life, the reasons I’ve had for being physically active have evolved. Like most children, I was active to tame the little ball of energy within me. Play was a means of exploring the world around me and learning about it, so activities like climbing trees, soccer, tennis, or track and field came naturally.… Continue reading A Daily Workout Is A Daily Reward